This Road Safety - Starts With You’ pressed the mailer...and for the scores of Voltasites who took part in the National Road Safety Week celebrations, it was advice they took to the heart! At Voltas, employee safety has always been a priority. So each year, National Road Safety Week is of prime importance. This year Voltas has launched a year campaign on Road Safety, as a part of this campaign a mailer went out from EVP and CHRO Narendran Nair delineating the schedule put together by the Safety Team, and explaining the campaign’s aim of ‘Bringing Change Through Youth Power’. For this campaign various appealing posters were designed and displayed in working locations/ offices Those posters urged employees to ensure they do their bit to make roads safer. Various competitions like quiz, posters, slogans were organized in working locations to increase participation and create awareness on road safety. The campaign saw sincere participation. For Voltasites know the importance of the message,and the value in spreading it onward!